Tuesday, March 19, 2013

SOMC - 14... Playing with time!

This article is originally written for the ManipalBlog under my weekly column 'Serenade of My City'. It appears here. Visit this site for wonderful articles.

What happened when my ‘real’ work in office began? The work engulfed me before i knew it and all my plans flew out of the window. That is one reason for my absence on the Serenade Of My City for a while. Apologizing for the same, i wish to make a fresh start with my serenade in a few words below -
 Moments flew, like petals against wind
Where is my Time, i looked leaning over the wall
I saw it in the distance, walking away from me
Followed it and finally caught up
It grew a pair of wings, so I learned to fly!
Spread my wings and reached the sky!
I flew throughout the horizon,
Passed a million faces looking up,
Everyone hunting for their own Time.
Nobody seemed to find it
And then when i looked beside me
There it was, grinning right back
And with a wink, flew past me..
Time was literally flying!!!
I chased it with all my might
Just when i was about to give up
I felt a tap at my side and i found Time!

We always have time with us. We do not make time and procrastinate. When we really want to do something, we always end up having time for it. However busy your schedule, the first thing you do in the morning is open Facebook. However jam packed your day be, you will always find, time to eat. Even though you know there is a lot of course to complete and very few hours to go before your exam, you’ll still manage to share a good laugh with a friend.

When we WANT to do something, we make time for it. And when we don’t really want to, we find time to find excuses instead. But time is always by your side! Every one of us has the same number of hours in a day. But the way each one of us utilizes it is different.

The people who die never know there is no tomorrow. It’s amazing how we are so sure about something that doesn’t exist while we are not sure about things we have in our hands right now. Grass is always greener on the other side is such a right statement with respect to so many aspects in life.

So let’s stop whining about it and do the things which we love. Otherwise like they say, some day when we really have no time left, we will look back and want to do all of it at once! Live your life with no regrets, like there is no tomorrow!!!

This article is originally written for the ManipalBlog under my weekly column 'Serenade of My City'. It appears here. Visit this site for wonderful articles.

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